You cannot always practice what you preach nor preach what
you practice. Ambivalence, contradictions, and hypocrisy are the natural order
of things.
History has shown that evil often goes unchallenged and
unpunished, and good often unnoticed and unrewarded. Indeed, life simply offers
more rewards and incentives for doing wrong than for doing right, making our
continued survival as a species akin to a miracle.
No wrong can ever be truly righted. The only thing that can
ever be done in the face of all that is wrong is to strive to contain the
effects of the wrongs and to minimize the resulting loss, suffering, and pain.
Being intelligent is neither synonymous with nor necessarily
conducive to being right. Tenacity and dedication can give you as much of an
edge in life as intelligence, if not more so.
The longer you live, the more you lose. The more you lose,
the longer you want to live to make up for what was lost. But nothing lost is
ever really recoverable, and no life, no matter how long, can ever lead to
Every loss is permanent, and every gain, ephemeral.
There is no real healing to the tortured soul. Acceptance
and moving on neither reflect nor affect healing; they are simply necessary
requirements for survival.
There is no misery greater than feeling that you are not
living up to your true potential or getting your just due, regardless of the
actual merits of your self-perception.
We can all safely agree that no decent man or woman can
afford to rest comfortably knowing that the quality of his or her life is based
on ignoring the suffering of others. The problem, however, is that our very way
of life is based on doing exactly that.
Perfection is often demanded of you, by yourself and/or
others, but it will never be offered to you, neither by yourself nor others, no
matter how strongly you demand it.